
Coronavirus Update November 2020

With a lot of planning and work behind the scenes, we have been able to restart some of our sessions with a limited number of riders.

While this is a start, it’s going to take some time before we get close to the number of riders we were able to help before.


Coronavirus Update 5th May 2020

Even with the what was hopefully the peak of the Corona virus behind us, we still aren’t in a position where we can confirm when the Arena will be re-opened for sessions.

We have ruled out any riding before the school summer holidays, so the earliest we may be riding is after the holidays. However, we will not re-open until we are confident there is no longer a risk to our riders and volunteers.

Once we have a confirmed date and plan put in place, we will be in contact with our riders and volunteers.

Wishing you all the best and hoping you are keeping safe and well.


Coronavirus update

With cases of Coronavirus being reported in the Borders and our priority being the health and safety of our riders, a decision has been made to close the Riding Centre for a period of time. As Easter is almost upon us, we will remain closed until at least past the holidays.

Re-opening will happen once we are confident that there is no longer a risk to our riders.

We will keep you updated if anything changes or when a date has been confirmed for a resumption of sessions.

All of our horses and ponies will be well looked after during this period and will be ready once sessions start again.


Needing a scratch?

Does anyone know who this is that needs a scratch? If you do, let us know here.